Monday, January 27, 2020

Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited Ptcl

Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited Ptcl Introduction: Currently, the business environment is facing challenges related to globalization and human resource. As global competition intensifies, and industries have become more intensive towards skill, the demand for talent, knowledge and skill-based workers is increasing. Due to this, companies and organizations are adopting sophisticated and high-end recruitment and selection strategies in order to get the right employee for the right position at the right time. As a result, e-recruitment had emerge and become more easy, accessible and efficient than the traditional methods (Tong Sivanand, 2005). The Internet Business Network, a US recruiting consulting firm, reported that the number of worldwide websites which contain job listing had increased from 500 to 200,000. In addition, the number of rà ©sumà ©s being posted and uploaded in e-recruitment websites had increased from 100,000 in 1995 to 2.5 million in 1998. According to the Forrester Researchs study, a total of 124,000 companies will be recruiting online (cited in Harvard Update, 2000). E-Recruitment in Pakistan In Pakistan today, online job searching had become very popular. This is because of the popularity of the Internet. Online job postings started in 1990, when different IT companies and universities begin to use the Internet in extensive manner. The first reference to online recruitment emerged in the mid-1980s, and the systematic reference to online recruitment in the HR began 10 years after mid-1990s. During the two years of existence, there are more or less 3,000 companies to use online career centres (OCC), or known as online job portals (Rehman Khan, 2010). Access to the Internet had been available in Pakistan since the early 1990s. PTCL was one of the companies in the country to take advantage of the benefits and advantages of the Internet, by offering different Internet services via nation-wide local call network. Currently, the Internet had become a vital part of the nation, particularly for the younger generation (Rehman Khan, 2010). In a qualitative, open-ended survey, 30 senior executives were interviewed to identify the existing HR trends in the IT industry of Pakistan. The result showed that 43% of the respondents prefer online vacancy posting or online posting in order to select and recruit candidates. Furthermore, 80% of the entire population chose as the main destination for online head-hunters, while the remaining 20% consists of,, yahoo groups, and LinkedIn, which are considered as the secondary destinations (Pervaz, 2009). Context of the Study: Recent study, in 1999, survey conducted in order to analyze the trends and development of online job searching processes in the job market of the country. The result of the study shows that time-saving is the primary motivator for Internet job searching, followed by, researching a wide area of jobs, providing global coverage, ease, and cost-saving. Thus, it shows that the Internet had been a very important means or channel of finding jobs for fresh graduates and jobholders (Rehman Khan, 2010). These are the primary reasons why the popularity of e-recruitment service providers is increasing. However, the study of Kin Tong Sinavanand (2005) showed that even though the revenues of e-recruiters are growing in rapid manner, their profits are still elusive. Reasons for Selecting the Research Environment: As stated in the proposed title, I choose Pakistan for its research environment. The primary reason behind, this is because I been located in the said country, thus, it will be feasible and accessible for me, because the respondents or the primary data can be accessed within the vicinity, and thus, cultural and ethical factors will not be a great factor. Nature of Organization or Case Study: Pakistani Telecommunications Company Limited (PTCL) was incorporated in Pakistan on December 31, 1995. The organization commenced business on January 1, 1996. It is listed an all of the three stock exchange in Pakistan. The company was established in order to undertake the telecommunication business that was first offered by Pakistan Telecommunication Corporation (PTC). The business was transferred to PTCL on January 1, 1996 under the Pakistan Telecommunication (Reorganization) Act, 1996, which enable the company to take all of its resources, which include properties, rights, assets, obligations and liabilities of PTC, expect those that have been transferred to the National Telecommunication Corporation (NTC), Frequency Allocation Board (FAB), Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) and Pakistan Telecommunication Employees Trust (PTET) (Forex PK 2010). PTLC was chosen by the author because it is considered as one of the largest and biggest companies in the country. Currently, it is servicing innovations and technologies towards millions of people, improving their life. In 2010, the PTCL Group declared its 2009 revenue of Rs 49.4 billion, which was higher by 6%, compare with the last year (Forex PK 2010). Literature Review: There are vast literatures which tackle the issue of e-recruitment. However, most of these literatures mainly focus on the different advantages and benefits of e-recruitment inside different organizations. The study of Online recruitment connects 3 with top talent: HR specialist can learn a lot from marketing reveals how mobile-telephone company 3 is applying its e-recruitment in order to attract top talent in a highly competitive market. The study shows that e-recruitment had helped to increase the efficiency, easiness as well as speed of the hiring process, which made it easier for the managers to handle huge volumes of applications and interviews. The result also shows that there have been a great change in the recruitment process in the company, compared before, when the company was using combination of Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and Outlook in recruitment management. Thus, it had helped in order to improve the employer brand by the improvement of the application experience (25 26). The result was supported with the case study of Superdrug, a UK health and beauty retailer which focuses on describing the weaknesses of the paper and e-mail based recruitment system that the company used to apply. The result shows that the entire recruitment process has become quicker, more efficient and the company experienced 87% savings in using e-recruitment (2007, 26 28). The same result was experienced by Nike, a leading manufacturer of shoes and sports apparel, with the introduction of e-recruitment in Europe, Middle East and Asia (EMEA) headquarters of the company. The result shows that there 54% savings upon the introduction of the system, at the same time, the average time in filling up vacancies has fallen from 62 to 42 days (Anon, 2005). The study of Zafar, Shaukat and Mat (2010) about the e-human resource management practices inside State Bank of Pakistan of 37 employees, shows that e-HRM, together with e-recruitment, were applied and used inside the organization in order to acquire efficiency and effectiveness. In addition, the survey also showed that the employees and possible employees were satisfied with the current implementation of the system inside the organization. Thus, it enables the entire HRM department and the Bank to take advantage of IT in order to work with the different transactions related with HRM, particularly recruitment, selection and hiring. On the other hand, the study of Kin Tong (2009) enables to show some of the possible risks or hindrances in the success of e-recruitment implementation in an organization. Using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Perceived Privacy Risk (PPR), Performance Expectancy (PE), Application-Specific Self-Efficacy (ASSE) and Perceived Stress (PS) as key external factors, the author analyzes the perceptions and behaviours of the jobseekers towards the e-recruitment adoption in Malaysia. The result shows few key determinants to the adoption of technology. Many studies show that the acceptance of the technology, perceived risk and acceptance and job pressure of both employees (HR and IT department of companies) and the applicants are the major issues and challenges which affect the success of implementation of e-recruitment system. First, according to Lin Stansinskaya (2002) the lack of knowledge of e-recruitment of the HR community as well as the limited commitment of senior managers towards the system can greatly affect the quantity and quality of the candidates using the application (3). In addition, like any other application of the Internet, its users are concerned with the issue of confidentiality of important personal information. As a result, it hinders the openness of the applicants or candidates to use e-recruitment system (Kerrin Kettley 2003). On the other hand, Lin Stasinskaya (2004) imposed that companies are somewhat reluctant in using e-recruitment because of the issues regarding the accuracy, verifiability and accou ntability of the information about the applicants, which might limit the diversity among applicants. In addition, Lin Stasinskaya further argue that lack of personal interactions in the process of online employment applications can cause limitations in communication flow between the candidates and the employers, which lead to the frustration on the part of the candidates and the missed opportunities for the employer to gather more important information. Above all, the study of Stanton (1999) shows that e-recruitment can cause threat towards equal opportunity, because it may hamper the efforts of the organization in promoting diversity in their workforce. This is because; according to Sharf (2000) there are still vital differences in the percentage of households which possess Internet access within the poor community and disabled people. Even though, there are different researches which focus on the advantages and disadvantages of e-recruitment for organizations and individual career hunters, thus, there are numbers of research which mainly focus on the case of Malaysia, UK and the United States, there are few, if none, which focus on the case of Pakistan. This is very important because, it is vital to investigate further the impact of technology gap in the effectiveness of e-recruitment towards organizations and candidates for employment. Questions and Hypotheses: The study intended to answer the question: What are the barriers to implement e-recruitment or online recruitment system in Pakistan? And, how can these barriers can be overcome? In line with this, the study will work on the following assumptions: User acceptance of technology can lead to loss of money and resources and failure of e-recruitment system in Pakistan; Perceived risk and perceived acceptance can affect the decisions of organizations in Pakistani in deciding about implementation of e-recruitment; and Job pressure towards the staffs can affect the success of e-recruitment inside the organization. Aims and Objectives: The main aim of the study is to explore the different factors that can affect or influence the successful implementation of e-recruitment tools in Pakistani organizations. In line with this, the following will be the objectives of the study: To analyze the readiness of Pakistani business environment in implementation of e-recruitment systems in different organizations; To identify the different issues faced by hiring managers in Pakistan; To analyze how e-recruitment system can solve the problems and issues in recruitment process in Pakistan; and To recommend different processes and procedures on successful implementation of e-recruitment system in Pakistan. Methods Chosen This study will gather both textual and numerical data from the selected population of respondents. Thus, it will employ qualitative and quantitative method. With this, survey interview and questionnaire will be used in order to gather primary information. Questionnaire will be delivered and conducted towards the respondents with the supervision of the researcher, in order to prevent disadvantage of self-administered questionnaire. On the other hand, due to financial and time aspect, interview will be conducted via phone. Generally, this study will be descriptive in nature. This will focus on analyzing the current problem by focusing on the responses of the respondents. According to Creswell (1994), it will focus on presenting facts about the nature and status of a given situation as it exists during the time of the study, therefore, it will be helpful in analyzing the connections and practices that exists, beliefs that are ongoing, effects that are being felt and even trends that ar e being developed (Best 1970). As a result, it can help in order to describe the present or existing conditions and conditions based on the perceptions and opinions of the respondents of the study (Creswell, 1994). In general, descriptive studies not only focus on supply of knowledge regarding the different variabilities and regularities, but also stimulate the investigators to focus on the definition of master terms in unequivocal manner (Vallier, 1973, 217). In addition, this study will examine and explore the problems and questions by taking cross section of it one time using cross-sectional study (Rubin Babbie, 2009). With this, it can offer great advantage and benefits towards the researcher, because the research can be taken or implemented in a short period of time. Furthermore, because the topic, problems and questions associated with the study does not demand long-time observations and analysis, this method is of great use. In addition, case study will be used in the study . Case study are considered as set in temporal, geographical, organizational, institutional and other context which enable boundaries to be drawn around the said case, thus it can be defined by individuals and groups that are involved, together with their roles and functions in the case (Cohen, Manion Morrison, 2003, 182). Data Collection Methods Survey questionnaire and interview will be implemented. The name of the respondents to join the research will be chosen in random manner. The names of the entire population of the selected case will be listed in strips of paper, and then will be drawn. A total of 60 employees will be selected to answer the questionnaire administered by the researcher. Because the researcher believes that he/she will be taking working times of the respondents, the questionnaire will be employ closed questions. This is the type of question which all of the possible answers are identified and the respondents are asked to choose one of the answers. This was chosen because it will be beneficial both for the respondents and the researcher. It is easier to administer, easier and quicker to record the respondents and easier to code. In addition, its major disadvantages, which are the inability to raise new issues, will be complemented by the interview process. Out of the 60 employees, 10 will be selected in order to undergo interview. Unlike the survey questionnaire, the interview will employ open questions in order to raise new important issues regarding the problem of the study. The schedule of the interview will be dependent towards the availability of the respondents. Because of financial and time issues, phone interview will be implemented. Analysis Data analysis will be done in two ways: mathematical and document analysis. In document analysis, different information gathered from past literatures, articles, studies as well as annual reports and newspaper articles about the case will be analyzed, which will be used in order to support the mathematical result of the study, together with the interview result. On the other hand, the answers by the respondents in the survey questionnaires will be encoded in the SPSS, a statistical computer application, which will help the researcher to easily analyze the result of the survey. The following are the statistical formulas to be used: Percentage to determine the magnitude of the responses to the questionnaire. n % = x 100 ; n number of responses N N total number of respondents Weighted Mean f1x1 + f2x2 + f3x3 + f4x4 + f5x5 x = -; xt where: f weight given to each response x number of responses xt total number of responses Quality Issues: Reliability, Validity and Generasability of Intended Work: The concerns of the researcher upon the collection of data focus on the means of measuring the instruments: validity and reliability of the instrument used. Reliability pertains on the estimation of internal consistency which pertains on the level to which the sum of scores from a given set of items correspondents to the scores that would be obtained from a parallel set, which include the equal number of items which measure the same phenomenon. On the other hand, validity pertains on the estimate of the extent to which the data measure what is intended to be measure (Brewer Ware 2002). Thus, in order to maintain validity of the instruments to be used in the study, initial survey of 5 respondents will be done, they will not be included in the final data gathering procedure. The participants will be asked regarding the different parts of the questionnaire which needed changes. Thus, with accordance to their demands, the questionnaire will be changed in order to ensure that it will be easily understood and answered by the future respondents. Sample Frame The primary data will be gathered from the IT and HRM department of PTCL. A total of 50 respondents are targeted in this study, which include HR officers, IT staffs and newly hired employees (hired via the e-recruitment process). The names of the respondents will be chosen in random selection manner, which will help in order to prevent bias from the personal opinion and perception of the researcher towards the respondents. The name of the entire population of the said three groups will be listed in strips of paper and will be drawn by the researcher; this process is called the lottery. Ethical Issues The probable ethical issues in the study are informed consent and confidentiality. First, it is important to consider that right to privacy follows from the assumption that autonomous individuals have to right to make decisions regarding their lives, together with the information and data that are related to it. Therefore, it is the decision of the respondents if he or she will want to participate in the study. Even though the use of informed consent will be helpful, it is not considered as a panacea for the ethical problems. Therefore, this research will inform the participants of the study ahead of time, regarding the different information and aspects of the study, which will help in order for them to be informed, thus clarify future misconceptions and misunderstanding (Kitchener, 2000). Another important issue is confidentiality, this pertains not just towards the actual use of the data, but also in the process of gathering of data how the interview questions and survey questions are constructed. The researcher will not disclose personal information of the respondents, thus, the information gathered from the respondents will be used solely for the assessment. Benefits of the Study The proposed study will be very beneficial towards different types of organization, particularly, to those from the telecommunication industry. Overall, this will be helpful in analyzing and evaluating the different factors that are related to he e-recruitment process, particularly its advantages and disadvantages, which can help the most important resource in any business human resource. Limitations of the Study The main limitation of this paper focuses on the time that the author will spend in analyzing the case. Due to this, it had affected the methodologies, approaches and tools to be used in order to gather primary and secondary data. Consequently, this will have an impact towards the results and findings of the study. Primarily, this study will be limited to one organization. It is important to consider that each and every organization, in different sector or industry is unique in their own way, due to the different internal and external factors affect the organization. This is particularly important in the case of e-recruitment, because it will have to focus on the economic, social, technological and policy aspect of the macro-environment setting of the company. Conclusion Just like all of the countries in the world, Pakistan had been affected, and is continuously being affected by the Internet and globalization. Thus, it also affects how people seek jobs for money and daily living, and how companies look for useful people in order to achieve their organization goals and objectives. It can be applied in the case of PTCL, wherein the company strive for the better in order to improve their human resource management process, to catch the biggest fishes in the sea of pool of striving candidates.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Argentinean Defeat in Falklands War

â€Å"Poor leadership and inferior technology† – Would these factors explain the Argentinean defeat in the Falklands War of 1982? The Falklands War lasted 74 days and ended with Argentine surrender on 14 June, which returned the islands to British control. The Argentinean troops were superior in number, but despite this, the British forces were able to take over the Falkland Islands. Poor leadership and inferior technology have been suggested to be two of the reasons behind the Argentinean defeat, and in this essay I aim to discuss these aspects, and determine if they can explain the Argentinean defeat in the Falklands War of 1982.Firstly, I aim to discuss aspects in favor of the argument, beginning with the British superiority, respective Argentinean inferiority, regarding weapons and material. After the British ships had been sent to the Falkland Islands, they circulated around the Islands and were ordered to attack any Argentinean ship entering a specific area severa l miles outside the Islands. Argentinean ships approached both north and south, but a British submarine followed and was therefore able to track the Argentinean ship coming from south.The Argentinean ships were superior in number, although, the British ships were superior in technology, and combined with a little luck, it was possible for them to sink several ships, including Argentina’s most powerful warship General Belgrano. This marked the end of the naval war in the Falklands as the Argentinean ships withdrew. Argentina suffered from a severe economic crisis as a result of the â€Å"dirty war† when the ruling military Junta killed about 30 000 of anyone that could be regarded as opposition, mostly people with a left side ideology.They crippled from foreign debt, which meant that they couldn’t spend a great amount of money on new high technological weapons, as oppose to England who received practical support from the US. Although, Argentina seemed to have a l arge advantage in air power at the beginning of the conflict, but was never able to use its large numbers of fighter-bombers to establish control of the air space over the Falklands. Instead, twenty British Sea Harriers flying round the clock effectively knocked the Argentine Air Force out of the sky in the first two weeks of the shooting war.Each Argentine aircraft on the other hand, had to line up over the combat zone, quickly dump its bombs and missiles, perhaps turn around once for a strafing run, and then head back to home base, or run the risk of running out of fuel. This left the Argentine craft at an enormous disadvantage in pursuing the British Sea Harriers, in picking better targets, in avoiding missiles. As a result, the Argentines lost a large percentage of its trained fighter pilots, which is much more difficult to replace than the aircrafts themselves.Furthermore, as the war developed, the poor leadership and lack of experience seemed to be a decisive factor of Argenti nean surrender. Brigadier General Menendez played an active role in controlling the Argentinean forces. Although, his strategy, his placement of troops, his supply lines, his responses to British actions; all demonstrated woeful military incompetence, which president Galtieri recognized during a visit to the islands, but refused to replace him, on the grounds that his removal might demoralize the soldiery and the Argentine populace, where the atmosphere already was unsteady due to the disliked ruling Junta.Argentine troops at Goose Green were reinforced by Menendez, but provided with no further support when they most needed it. Once Goose Green fell, Menendez seemed to pursue a persistent policy of retreat, falling back from entrenched positions at the least sign of pressure from the advancing British. As a result, he soon found himself besieged at Puerto Argentino / Port Stanley, encircled by land and cut off by sea, with no air support whatsoever. At the end, his soldiers broke an d ran before the final British attack.Furthermore, a number of the intermediate officers abandoned their units under British military pressure, leaving them in charge of their sergeants or corporals. The vast gap between the privileged officer class and the poorly trained conscripts that comprised much of the Argentine army resulted in a demoralization of the forces in the field, and a tendency for them to crumble before the attacks of the British. As oppose to Britain who possessed a well-functioning leadership, the poor one of the Argentinean can be regarded as a decisive factor in their defeat.The aspects speaking against the argument will now be discussed. The British Royal Navy dominated the Argentinean navy from the start of the conflict, although British ships were vulnerable to attacks from the air. When the British ships approached the capital Stanley, The Argentine Air Force demonstrated immense bravery and tenacity in attacking the British fleet. Without room to manoeuver , the British ships were easy targets. A high number of dud bombs were dropped over the water, where 8 ships were damaged, 2 sank, 24 died and several was injured during a short mount of combat time. Because of the mountains at the Falkland Islands, the British couldn’t detect the Argentinean planes that emerged, which speaks against the argument; that the technology wasn’t merely superior. It also shows the successful Argentinean strategy. Also, the superior technology of the British didn’t always work at their advantage. At the sea, the British sent a message to Glasgow but never saw the Argentinean ships emerge before it was too late, because their radio blocked the radar. 0 British were killed, and this aspect speaks against the argument that superior technology automatically must be the better choice. When analyzing this argument, other aspects must be taken into consideration. During the naval warfare, the British were inferior in numbers and the decision to attack the Argentinean ships coming from both north and south was risky; if they lost any ships including the aircraft carriers, the outcome of the war might have been different.On the other hand, the fact that the Argentinean forces were superior in number could also be used as an argument that shows that the British possessed better leadership and technology because they were able to win the war. The success of the British leadership and the failure of the Argentinean were often obvious as the decisive factor. For example: when the British had arrived to Stanley, they decided to attack during the night and caught the sleeping Argentineans by surprise.To sum this up, poor leadership and inferior technology can explain the Argentinean defeat in the Falklands War. Why was Argentine defeated? -Unclear aims and lack of strategy- what to do after they have taken over the Islands? -Great Britain acted decisive and fast -Argentina lost support of the US and regional powers -Tactical mi stakes -Lack of sophisticated spare parts -Insufficient training and equipment of Argentinean soldiers

Friday, January 10, 2020

Ishmael Beah’s Experience in A long way Gone

The book A long way gone is a literary work that narrates the ordeals of a child-soldier in the hands of fate. The writer, Isheal Beah became a soldier at thirteen. As the enthralling story enfolds, he recounts his experience during and after the war. At twelve he had fled for the attacking rebels in his country, Sierra Leone into the streets turned insane by the violence of war. A year later he was converted to a soldier by the government’s army. This is where the heart-wrenching tale, a first class experience of a transformation from a young boy, with a tender heart to a killer boy begins. He was exposed to all the undiluted vices of war. From drugs that they were given to strengthen them and the ammunitions they were given to kill themselves with. He was given an AK-47 much heavier then his hands could carry. One moment an innocent boy, the next moment a â€Å"killerboy†, capable of intense violence and terrible acts. Ishmeal tells his story with an unparallel truth bearing in mind other people’s feelings. Now twenty-six he looks back, down the memory lane at all he had been through, how he survived the war and how he survived his rehabilitation after the war. For three years he fought in the war until he was removed by UNICEF. With the help of the organization, he received rehabilitation, a re-transitional process to his former self before the war. Haunted by the war’s experience, the war was over truly, but the war within Ishmeal’ heart continues. The rehabilitation experience was a story of self-war in itself, involving a self-forgiving process and a requisition of humanity long lost till eventually the final healing began to come. Ishmeal’s experience reminds us of all the wars across the globe and how children have become the easy choice for these wars. With more than fifty wars going on, over 300,000 children have been converted to soldiers. All going through the trauma and hell that Ishmeal went through. The story fits into the trend of history in the twentieth century that was so full of African genocide, Gulf war and other wars around the world. The story also reminds us of the consequences of war, the unchecked genocide perpetrated by human to fellow humans and the effects of all these on several thousands of children and others, whose lives have been altered miserably by war. Ishmeal’s story does this an alarming genuity and explicit emotional force. His experience is quite unique because he was not only a witness but also a victim. He saw and conquered. The story was written like a memoir which has not only added colour to the story but made it more unique, for he narrates them in first person that made it more gripping. His honesty is exacting, and a proof to the ability of children to outlive their sorrows and suffering, if given a chance. From his recounts of the burning villages and total destruction to all, the story raises the question in all rationale minds†¦ what do human gain from war? â€Å"My high school friends have begun to suspect I haven’t told them the full story of my life. † â€Å"Why did you leave Sierra Leone? † â€Å"Because there is a war. † â€Å"Did you witness some of the fighting? † â€Å"Everyone in the country did. † â€Å"You mean you saw people running around with guns and shooting each other? † â€Å"You should tell us about it sometime. † â€Å"Yes, sometime. †

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Cnidarians Facts Corals, Jellyfish, and Sea Anemones

The Cnidaria (Cnidaria spp.) is the phylum of animals that contains corals, jellyfish (sea jellies), sea anemones, sea pens, and hydrozoans. Cnidarian species are found throughout the world and are quite diverse, but they share many similar characteristics. When damaged, some cnidarians can regenerate their body parts, making them effectively immortal. Fast Facts: Cnidarians Scientific Name: CnidariaCommon Name(s): Coelenterates, corals, jellyfish, sea anemones, sea pens, hydrozoansBasic Animal Group: InvertebrateSize: 3/4 of an inch to 6.5 feet in diameter; up to 250 feet longWeight: Up to 440 poundsLifespan: A few days to more than 4,000 yearsDiet:  CarnivoreHabitat: Found in all the worlds oceansConservation Status: Some species are listed as threatened Description There are two types of cnidarians, called polypoid and medusoid. Polypoid cnidarians have tentacles and a mouth that face up (think of an anemone or coral). These animals are attached to a substrate or colony of other animals. Medusoid types are those like jellyfish—the body or bell is on top and tentacles and mouth hang down. Despite their diversity, cnidarians share several basic characteristics: Radially Symmetrical: Cnidarian body parts are arranged around a central point.Two Layers of Cells: Cnidarians have an epidermis, or outer layer, and a gastrodermis (also called the endodermis), which lines the gut. Separating the two layers is a jelly-like substance called the mesoglea, which is most visually apparent in jellyfish.Digestive Cavity (The Coelenteron): The coelenteron contains their stomach, gullet, and intestines; it has one opening, which serves as both the mouth and anus, so cnidarians eat and expel waste from the same location.Stinging Cells: Cnidarians have stinging cells, called cnidocytes, which are used for feeding and defense. The cnidocyte contains a nematocyst, which is a stinging structure made up of a hollow thread that has barbs inside. The smallest Cnidaria is the Hydra, which measures under 3/4 of an inch; the largest is the lions mane jellyfish which has a bell that can measure more than 6.5 feet in diameter; including its tentacles. it can exceed 250 feet long.  Ã‚   Dania Chesham/Getty Images   Species The Cnidaria phylum is made up of several classes of invertebrates: Anthozoa (sea anemones, corals);Cubozoa (box jellyfish);Hydrozoa (hydrozoans, also known as hydromedusae or hydroids);Scyphozoa or Scyphomedusae (jellyfish); and theStaurozoa (stalked jellyfish). Habitat and Distribution With thousands of species, cnidarians are diverse in their habitat and are distributed in all the worlds oceans, in polar, temperate, and tropical waters. They are found in a variety of water depths and closeness to shore depending on the species, and they may live anywhere from shallow, coastal habitats to the deep sea. Diet and Behavior Cnidarians are carnivores and use their tentacles to feed on plankton and other small organisms in the water. They fish using their stinging cells: when a trigger at the end of the cnidocyte is activated, the thread unfurls outward, turning inside out, and then the thread wraps around or stabs into the tissue of the prey, injecting a toxin. Some cnidarians, such as corals, are inhabited by algae (e.g., zooxanthellae), which undergo photosynthesis, a process that provides carbon to the host cnidarian. As a group, the Cnidarians have the ability to reorganize and regenerate their bodies, which somewhat controversially suggests they may be essentially immortal. The oldest cnidaria is arguably corals in a reef, which have been known to live as a single sheet for more than 4,000 years. In contrast, some polyp types only live 4–8 days.   Reproduction and Offspring Different cnidarians reproduce in different ways. Cnidarians can reproduce asexually by budding (another organism grows off the main organism, such as in anemones), or sexually, in which spawning occurs. Male and female organisms release sperm and eggs into the water column, and free-swimming larvae are produced. Cnidarian life cycles are complex and vary within the classes. The archetypal life cycle of a cnidarian begins as a holoplankton (free-swimming larvae), then develops into a sessile polyp stage, a hollow, cylinder-shaped tube with a mouth at the top surrounded by tentacles. Polyps are attached to the seabed, and, at some point, the polyps bud off into a free-swimming, open-water medusa stage. However, some of the species in the different classes are always polyps as adults such as coral reefs, some are always medusas such as jellyfish. Some (the Ctenophores) always remain holoplanktonic. Pete Atkinson/Getty Images Conservation Status Cnidarians such as jellyfish are likely to be tolerant of climate change—in fact, some are even thriving and ominously taking over the habitats of other lifeforms—but corals (such Acropora spp) are listed as threatened by ocean acidification and environmental damage, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Cnidarians and Humans There are many ways cnidarians may interact with humans: They may be sought-after in recreational activities, such as  scuba  divers going to reefs to look at corals. Swimmers and divers may also need to beware of certain cnidarians because of their powerful stings. Not all cnidarians have stings that are painful to humans, but some do, and some may even be fatal. Some cnidarians, such as jellyfish, are even eaten. Different cnidarian species may also be collected for trade for aquariums and  jewelry. Sources Coulombe, Deborah A. 1984. The Seaside Naturalist. Simon Schuster.Fautin, Daphne G. and Sandra L. Romano. 1997. Cnidaria. Sea anemones, corals, jellyfish, sea pens, hydra. Version 24 April 1997. The Tree of Life Web Project, Listed Animals. Environmental Conservation Online System, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.Petralia, Ronald S., Mark P. Mattson, and Pamela J. Yao. Aging and Longevity in the Simplest Animals and the Quest for Immortality. Ageing Research Reviews 16 (2014): 66-82. Print.Richardson, Anthony J., et al. The Jellyfish Joyride: Causes, Consequences and Management Responses to a More Gelatinous Future. Trends in Ecology Evolution 24.6 (2009): 312–22. Print.Tillman, Patricia, and Dan Siemann. Climate Change Effects and Adaptation Approaches in Marine and Coastal Ecosystems of the North Pacific Landscape Cooperative Region: National Wildlife Association, 2011. Print.University of California Museum of Paleontology. Cnidaria.